Supreme Patriarch of the Armenian Orthodox Church, H.H. Karekin II visits the Orthodox Church of of the East

His Holiness Karekin II and his delegation were received at Malayala Manorama headquarters at Kottayam on 6th November. There the Catholicos and delegation enjoyed the company of His Grace Thomas Mar Athanasius and Mr. K. M. Mathew, Chief Editor of Malayala Manorama over tea and snacks. His Holiness understood the great importance of the media coverage Malayala Manorama provides to the nation of India especially the State of Kerala. His Holiness offered prayers, blessings and gratitude of the hospitality of Mr. K. M. Mathew by offering an Icon of the Nativity of Christ to him.

Catholicos Aram wants Christians to celebrate Easter on same day

Syrian, Ethiopian, Armenian Church Leaders Meet

Oriental Orthodox Festival 2008, London
Antelias : His Holiness Patriarch Paulos I of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia arrived in Antelias yesterday accompanied with six Bishops. The Patriarch will stay in Antelias for three days as the guest of His Holiness Aram I.
During his stay, Patriarch Paulos will ordain the newly built Ethiopian church, in the construction of which His Holiness Aram I played a decisive role.
Welcoming the Ethiopian Patriarch in Antelias, His Holiness assured that such visits further strengthen the cooperation between the two churches and the internal unity of the Oriental Orthodox family. The Pontiff observed that the challenges of the current world invite all churches to cooperation and the world’s religions to a frank dialogue.
Source: armeniandiaspora.com (Published on Nov. 24, 2008)
Metropolitan Kirill elected interim head of Russian Byzantine Church

The Most Reverend Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and
The decision of the Synod has been signed by:
KIRILL, Metropolitan of Smolensk and
VLADIMIR, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, - chairman of the session;
VLADIMIR, Metropolitan of
FILARET, Metropolitan of
JUVENALY, Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna;
VLADIMIR, Metropolitan of
VALENTIN, Metropolitan of
ALEXANDER, Archbishop of
TIKHON, Archbishop of
FEOFILAKT, Bishop of
STEFAN, Bishop of Tura and Mozyr;
CLEMENT, Metropolitan of
The Locum Tenens of the
Session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church is taking place in Moscow
On December 10, a session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church chaired by the Patriarchal Locum Tenens Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and
Taking part in the session are Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine; Metropolitan Vladimir of St Petersburg and Ladoga; Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus; Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna; Metropolitan Clement of Kaluga and Borovsk, Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate; Metropolitan Vladimir of Kishinev and All Moldova; Metropolitan Valentin of Orenburg and Buzuluk; Archbishop Alexander of Kostroma and Galich; Archbishop Tikhon pf Novosibirsk and Berdsk; Bishop Feofilakt of Bryansk and Sevsk; Bishop Stefan of Tura and Mozyr.
Metropolitan Kirill addressed members of the Holy Synod with the following words:
'I greet you, dear Most Reverend Vladykas:
The session of the Holy Synod today takes place without His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, our father and first hierarch. We all feel real spiritual grief.
His Holiness Patriarch Alexy had led our Church for eighteen years. Together with him we have walked along hard roads of social changes, political and economic cataclysms. The Church has overcome difficulties together with her people, sharing their suffering and grieving for the blood that was shed. At the same time, remarkable events occurred in the life of our country, our people and our Church. Our country was becoming free. The Church has become free. It is for the first time in many centuries that relations the Church and the state maintain are in full harmony with the Tradition of the Orthodox Church. They were reflected in the 'Foundations of Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church.'
By God's grace the life of our people has become peaceful. Today we can see political stability in society both in
His Holiness Patriarch Alexy had served to reconciliation and unity during his whole life, and commanded us to do the same. I believe that we must fulfill his commandment together as one episcopate of the one Russian Orthodox Church.
We have celebrated the requiem service praying for our late Primate. We believe that he is with us today.'
New Russian Patriarch will be elected on January 27-29
Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church to take place on 27-29 January 2009
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church at its session on 10 December 2008 took decision on the dates of the Bishops' Council and the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church to elect Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
The Holy Synod resolved that The Bishops' Council will be held on 25-26 January 2009, and the Local Council on 27-29 January 2009.
The Holy Synod set up a commission for preparation of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. The commission consists of twenty-nine bishops, clerics, and laymen.
Patriarchal enthronement will take place on 1 February 2009.
The Oriental Orthodox Churches Addis Ababa Conference January, 1965- documents PART-III
The psalmist says: “The king shall rejoice in thy strength O Lord! And in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice! His glory is great in thy salvation: Honour and majesty hast though laid upon him” (Ps. 21 1&5.)
Your Imperial Majesty, Holy Fathers, Eminent Brothers, Clergy and People.
It is with a heart full of joy and thankfulness that I stand here today. I am reminded of the words of the old Simon when he saw the child Jesus. Simon had been waiting to see the consolation of
This day is a great day for all of us, and for our Churches. We have always been one in our faith, but for centuries our Churches lived in isolation. That isolation has been broken. At this conference, our Churches have been brought together once again. In brotherly love, we considered our problems together. We made many unanimous decisions. We have seen a new beginning for our ancient Churches. Our hearts go out in gratitude to God.
On this historic occasion, we all want to say a special word about His Imperial Majesty, Haile Sellassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia. He reminds us of some of the great Christian Emperors in the early history of the Christian Church. It was His vision that brought us together. In His very inspiring opening address. His Imperial Majesty remained us about the duties of the Church in the modern world. His wisdom, piety, and love of peace, have been an example for us. The vast amount of money, the time, and the energy spent on this conference showed how much His Imperial Majesty is concerned about the good of the Church. At this time I specially remember His Imperial Majesty’s visit to
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Imperial Ethiopian Government have made our stay in
I shall be falling in my duty if I do not say a work of thanks to His Excellency, the Secretary-General, who conducted our meeting so efficiently. I want also to thank all those others who remain unnamed, but worked hard for the success of this conference. Those who looked after our comforts at the residences and on the way deserve our gratitude. On behalf of us all, I thank them all most sincerely.
Holy Fathers and Brothers in Christ,
It is with a heart full of gratitude to Almighty God that I stand here at this time. This is indeed an occasion of unbounded joy for us in
As Heads and Leaders of a great tradition in Oriental Christendom, you have come to
In the history of the Church, beginning from the time of Emperor Constantine the Great of the
Holy Father and Brothers, your coming to this Conference has inaugurated a new era for our Churches. As you well know, the ancient Orthodox Churches had maintained their unity till the fifth century, when they underwent an unfortunate division which continues to this day. We hop and pray that God will bring together again the two traditions which thus came to be formed. Our own Oriental Orthodox Churches, however, have always stood together as branches of the same Church. At the same time historical and various other factors did not leave us free to convene common synods and Councils of all our Churches for the last many centuries. Consequently our Churches were isolated one from another, so that while being one Church in principle, we have come to be considered as many Churches.
It is against such a background that we have met in this Conference. With a view to restoring healthy and fruitful channels of communication and co-operation, we have taken here a number of important decisions. We have agreed thus, insofar as possible, we shall work together in the fields of evangelism, theological education, ecumenical action and world peace. As a result of which we shall all experience, we hope a concrete manifestation of the unity in spirit which exists among our Churches.
Even here the first thing which e need to face is the question of the nature of our calling in the one Church. We are called to bear witness to Jesus Christ, the incarnate crucified and risen Lord, and to serve our fellow human beings in His name and His spirit. So our Churches should become communities filled with spiritual dynamism to fulfil the task entrusted to us by the Lord of the Church. Here our ideal is that specified by our Lord Himself when He said, “Be ye perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect”. As we follow this great ideal, we shall experience the meaning of the heavenly peace which our Lord Jesus Christ has promised us by His words, “My peace I give unto you.” Our Lord Jesus Christ, who in His High-Priestly prayer besought that His disciples may ever remain united, will bless and sanctify our life and work together.
Besides the question of bringing our Church together again we have taken time at this Conference to discuss our future relationship with other Churches, and agreed to do all we can to help the movement towards the unity of all Christians in the fellowship of the Church. We believe that of the many bodies into which Christendom is divided, the one nearest in spiritual Kinship to our Churches is the Eastern Orthodox Church. We trust in God that He will lead both our Churches to feel urged to evaluate the positions of each other objectively in a spirit of Christian charity and mutual appreciation, so that they may, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, be restored to unity.
In giving expression to this longing, we do not imply that our concern for Christian reunion is limited to the East.
We believe that there is only one ideal for Christian reunion, and that is what our Lord has clearly specified in His Prayer. He prayed that His disciples may remain eternally united in the same way as God the Father and He Himself are one and remain united. In our thinking. Christian reunion has behind it no ulterior motive of securing earthly glory or temporal power for the Church, or even of meeting some immediate danger. WE seek reunion because our unity is the will of our Lord. He wants our Christian communities to grow with Him into His perfection. This indeed will require a broadening of our spiritual vision to see all things as Christ sees them. Our search for unity is not a partial search. We believe that God wants all men to be united with Him. From this concern we express our longing to see that peace and harmony are established in the world, and pledge that we shall work unceasingly for the peace of the world and the establishment of justice between man and man nation and nation.
May God lead all Churches in the world to realize this truth, and may the beginning of a new era for our Churches, which this Conference has initiated, help us to advance together in doing His work.
Holy Fathers and Brothers, our Conference is come to its close. To all of you, I express once again our sincere thanks. May God be with you in your journey back to your respective Churches, and may He bring us together again. We shall remember you constantly in our prayers, and may we request that you do the same for us also. Visit us whenever you can, and do keep us in touch with how you and your Churches are faring. May the blessing of Holiest Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be upon us all and our Churches, His Imperial Majesty, and the royal family, Amen.
His Holiness Vasken I, the Supreme Catholicos of Etchmidzin
(Although this was a Conference of the Heads of five Churches, the Heads and delegates of the Armenian Orthodox Church expressed their inability to participate in it fully, because of certain internal difficulties of administration which they were facing between the Supreme Catholicos of Etchmidzin and the Catholicos of the Great House of Cecilia. So at the closed sessions of the Conference the Armenian Orthodox church was represented only by observers, and neither of the Catholicos of the Armenian Orthodox Church signed the decisions at the conclusion of the conference.)
His Holiness Khoren I,Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia
(His Holiness Khoren I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has subsequently signified his willingness to be considered a full participant of the Conference.)
Copied from;
The Oriental Orthodox Churches
Edited by the Interim Secretariat
Oriental Orthodox Conference